It is time you met Sophie.
The introduction was sure to happen sooner or later and let me assure you she will be a frequent contributor to this blog. I will let you decide if this fact is good or bad after you read this post.
Sophie belongs to my roommate Kim, which in a way makes Sophie and I roommates, only Sophie does not pay rent. Think of the most outgoing, extroverted four year old child you could possibly fathom. The incessant questions, approaching strangers in the grocery store and saying things like "mommy didn't take a shower today".... you get the idea.
This is Sophie. Undeniably Sophie. Which, as you can imagine, leads to much hilarity, yelling, chastising and general unexpectedness.
Today, I walked outside and found this on our back steps.
He was scared to death. And rightfully so, as clearly he did not scale the back steps on his own. He undoubtedly rode in the mouth of a canine.
This is only one in a long line of offerings Sophie has brought forth from the depths of the yard. This is the second turtle. There has been a bird, and last month there was some sort of mole/rat creature too mangled to know for sure.
Or maybe I just did not want to look.
It is not enough to chase critters in the yard. No, the offering most be placed on the alter of the back steps. It is pride Sophie seeks. Affirmation for exterminating the yard of such terrible beasts.
Though this little turtle is pretty benign, what Sophie often gets in return for her gifts is often twisted faces and screaming. Which actually are not unusual reactions in our house. Ask Sophie about the time she ran free at the Riverwalk with Kim chasing behind. That is another blog entirely.
So until the next time Sophie "gifts" us, I am still hoping she drops the keys to a new car or tickets to a Mediterranean cruise.
Favorite thing today: Since I am headed out to Charleston today, I will leave you with two of my all time favorite restaurants
What is it with animals laying things on our doorsteps? I never will forget this one time my cat left a bat on the bottom step. It freaked me out!!
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